Fulford Elementary School is a Title I School (100% Free & Reduced Lunch) located in the city of North Miami Beach, Florida. Fulford serves approximately 500 students from Pre-Kindergarten to Fifth Grades. The student body consists of 58% Black, 38% Hispanic, 1% Asian, and 1% Other. 5% of the students are Students With Disabilities, 6% are Gifted, and 31% are ESOL. The school has a mobility index of 32%.
It is simple to recognize why Captain William H. Fulford of the United States Coast Guard was attracted to what is now North Miami Beach and chose to build a home in this community. While patrolling the coastline during the Spanish-American War, Captain Fulford found the area to be a retreat from the fury of the Atlantic. Today, on that identical parcel of land, sits Fulford Elementary, appropriately named in his honor. Fulford Elementary School is also a retreat where teachers, students and parents gather daily in pursuit of educational excellence.
September 6, 1960
Mrs. Pearson picks up her youngest daughter from school, covering her head to keep her dry from the rain.
![double doors](https://i0.wp.com/fulfordelementary.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/fulfordhistory.jpg?resize=326%2C448)
(This picture was taken at the double doors on the eastern side of the building along NE 18th Avenue.)
Photo credit: State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory, http://floridamemory.com/items/show/4523